React Native Facebook Login
Creating a React Native App with Facebook Login in 10 Minute 😯
Facebook is social network site that connects with peoples and family. We are going to use rect-native-fbsdk package for implementing facebook login in RN by using 3 step
Step 1 : Creating a React Native App and Getting package name
If you don’t have React Native Project then create by using this npx react-native init FacebookLogin and read document of React Native
For Package name open your project and go to this directory android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
For Bundle id open your project iOS folder in Xcode and go General tab and identifies section you can se your bundle identifier
Now we have both Android Package name and iOS bundle id lets move to the next step
Step 2: Register app for Facebook Login in Facebook developer account
This Step is very important lets deep into that by step by step 😎
- Go to Facebook developer Website and create your app
2. Select Consumer that use for login and press continue then enter your app name that you want to show on the time of login and after that press on create button that will ask for your facebook account password after that you will redirect to your created app page
# Select Consumer and press continue
# Enter App name and press create app after that enter password of your facebook account